1 AskTheCFO handles all calls from harassing creditors, collection agencies and attorneys.
2 We will buy you time so you can concentrate on running and building your business without distraction.
3 You will save money on your debts, including what you pay AskTheCFO.
4 AskTheCFO will help you increase profits and cash flow.
5 We will work on disputed debts.
6 AskTheCFO will handle one or all of your debts as needed.
7 You approve all Settlement Offers and Counter Offers over 50%.
8 AskTheCFO does NOT charge any upfront fees or retainers.
9 We will work with you to develop a plan that you can afford and creditors will accept.
10 AskTheCFO will help your business "Eliminate Business Debt Without Creating New Loans."